Sunday, January 1, 2012

100 Days of Eating at Home Challenge

As a single woman living alone, I find that it is really easy to fall into the habit of eating out - frequently.  I have fallen into this bad habit, and it's time to change this.  I think part of it was a time management issue with being a full time graduate student for the past three years, but since graduation I've had more time to be domestic.
Maybe it's because I need to consider my budget more closely.  Maybe it's because my fridge-freezer AND my deep freezer are stuffed so full I cannot get anything else in there (I'll have to take a picture...).  But I need to eat what is in the house and not run out to get something at my first inkling of a hungry rumbly tummy.

Here are the RULES:

1.  Every meal should be based on making it in my house.  I know I won't always be "eating" at home (hello, work), but the food should come from my own kitchen and not Fazoli's.

2.  I will be allowed to purchase beverages when out.  Let's face it, I like to drive through McDonald's to get an unsweetened ice tea.  Beverages outside the home are legal in order for me to keep my sanity.

3.  If someone invites me to a meal out, that is legal if I can afford it.  If I am not paying for the food, then I think that's okay. 

4.  I am going to start out with a $150 per month food budget.  This is harsh!  However, I need to use the meat, veggies, and stuff in my freezer.  If I eat down some of the stash at my home, I should be okay.

5.  I will need to meal plan and try to stick to it.  The sticking-to-it is the hard part.  I can meal plan until the cows come home, but actually eating what it says to eat is and inner struggle.

6.  Buying seeds and trying my hand at my container garden again this year will not be part of the food budget.

7.  For the most part, I will attempt to continue adding in "real food" for my ongoing transition to real food.  This is going to be difficult on the budget, but hopefully I will still be able to afford milk and eggs from the farm.

How often do you eat at home?  Is it a challenge to resist eating out?

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