Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Foodie Wagon

For a while now, I've been working on eating more at home, eating more real food, eating more traditional foods, and trying to (*trying*) cut out sugars.  Well, this summer and with the beginning of the work year in August paired with working a part time job, I've slacked and fallen back on my healthy journey.  After gaining a few pounds in the past month and a half paired with an increase in headaches and caffeine dependence, I'm trying desperately to get back on the food wagon.

With so many opinions out there about diet and what to eat (and what NOT to eat), sometimes I feel like I'm barely treading water in an ocean of conflicting information.

Right now, I'm working on the caffeine addiction because I think it is the most concerning.  Oh, this week the headaches, sweats, and fatigue have been horrible!  However, today I feel better and my sleeping, heart rate, anxiety, and overall "up-tight-ness" seem so much better.  Still a little fatigued, but I'm sure I'll get used to that.

The next step, not as easy.  I'd love to try going a little more primal/paleo for a while to see how it effects me, but let's get practical.  I have a LOT of grains in the house that need to be eaten.  Oatmeal, pasta, someone who is a closet prepper I have things stashed away that should really be eaten in the house.  So what is a girl to do who is thinking about going grain-free?  

Here's what I'm thinking...moderation.  A lot of real food websites I visit employ the 80-20 rule.  80% of the time I'm going to try super hard to have the healthiest organic, non-GMO, real food, paleo, primal, grain-free whatever I'm trying.  The other 20% is up for grabs.  That boils down to 1 out of 5 meal planning days can be off a little.  I'm not exactly saying that 20% will be McDonald's fries, Coca-cola and cheetos, but if I plan a meal with pasta that I have in my house I should just let it be.  Or, if my boyfriend wants to take me out for ice cream, I'm not going to throw a hissy fit.  I'm going to enjoy it.

How do you reconcile eating off your plan at times?  What do you do when you fall off the foodie wagon?

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