

I'm Mary, and I live in St. Charles, Missouri.  On the banks of the Missouri River, I live a life full of joy and busyness.  I work as a music therapist in the special education setting, an SES tutor, and a 6th grade PSR teacher/catechist.

Up until about a year and a half ago, I was a single girl who thought cooking at home included box mixes and a frozen pizza.  Most of my meals came from eating out, and I always had a soda or caffeinated beverage in hand.  That has changed (mostly...the soda thing is so hard!!).  I'm trying my best (with the help of some major prayer) to cook at home, take my lunch to work, consume minimal sweets and caffeine, and buy nourishing, organic, pastured, good-for-my-body products.  So, I decided to blog about it!