Sunday, October 13, 2013

New Beginnings

In late August of this year, I went to pre-op to have my tonsils removed.  Instead, I ended up in the emergency room and eventually ICU due to malignant high blood pressure.  After a week in the hospital (and still having my tonsils), I found myself weak, on a lot of new medication, and concerned about my BP, my health, and my blood sugar (which presented high in the hospital).

After some research, I made an appointment with a nutritionist and trainer to get a little extra guidance.  My first appointment with Debbie was helpful.  A lot of the same information I have been slowly been implementing into my diet she also holds true, along with a Christian philosophy.  But I only had wishful thinking about going gluten free, dairy free, grain free, and sugar free by myself.  But with someone to guide me, tell me exactly what to eat, check in on me, and adjust my programming based on my responses and her expertise I think I can do it.  I have to.  I don't want to be on mega-medications forever.  And I truly believe I am too young to be on a bad path already.

So, I met with Debbie on Friday, bought a house on Saturday, and prepped food on Sunday.  Monday, I begin this new journey.

I'm basically starting with some extra supplements and going sugar free, grain free, and dairy free.  Whew!  It seems overwhelming when I think about what I have to cut out.  However, it seems easier when I focus on what I *can* eat.

I started with the extra supplements tonight and a tablespoon of flax seed oil straight from the bottle.  That was a trip!  I have a flavored version, so it definitely tastes better than plain.  But, I still knew what was on the spoon.

I'm hoping tomorrow goes okay!  I have planned out my meals, meds, supplements, testing schedules for BP and BS, water intake, and walking schedule.  It sure seems like a lot!  But I know that if I don't take the time to write it out and then mark of my list, I won't follow through.  I pampered myself by starting a new handwritten pretty journal today to do all of this.  Never underestimate the power of a beautiful journal.